I’m going to need a new banner.

My Gaming PC is suffering in two ways.
It’s starting to lag behind now, the CPU is relatively new but the RAM and the GPU are starting to show their age and the value is depreciating.
the second is that simply it’s not being used for what it’s prime purpose was any more. I don’t have time to game and what little time I do get in front of a screen is spent upkeeping the home server or doing side quest things in life.
Since my first foray into the world of OSX with my M1 MBA, it’s been an eye opener, I was so worried about losing my trusty old Photoshop CS5.1 but where Pixelmator stepped in and took over that role cheaply and easily, I’ve always kept the Gaming PC about for video editing for my YouTube channel and to offer the comfort of a real desktop.
The time has come though! The Gaming Pc has been sold and I have pre-ordered a Mac Mini M4, all of my software will move seemlessly from MBA to Mini (and back as the MBA isn’t going anywhere) and I thought why not sell what I have now to fund the next 5 years?
The MikroTik stuff will likely still keep coming as I run the CHR but also now in professional life I am finding myself ever edging further into Cisco so you never know, that might (read will) creep in to the written words as well.
I’m not completely without Windows, I will retain a VM on my trusty UnRaid box as I do want to keep a hand there but for now, we’re going to where the grass is greener!
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