COVID-19 War Brokers Skin Battle Royale Highlights
Given that currently we are in the middle of a worldwide lock down it seemed only right to make the most of it and start fragging out in the special edition War Brokers COVID-19 skin.
Not MikroTik… But War Brokers is about as much fun.
Yes another War Brokers gaming video but who cares? Loving it right now.
Bored of my Board
After having my current set up now for around a year and a half I’ve started tinkering trying to get some more efficiency and better performance out of it. Unfortunately the Asus board I had wasn’t the strongest of the bunch so an upgrade was needed. The swap out was absolutely flawless and along with a Windows re-install it is absolutely flying along and with little to no effort it has clocked up to 4.8Ghz already. I’ve got kit for a delid to bring the temperatures down so 5Ghz is on the horizon somewhere.
Changing the PC around
Well I’m in a completely different place to where I thought I would be right now. I was expecting to be super hyped over the new AMD Ryzen 2700X release but going through multiple benchmarks and early benchmarks the reality of it is that it won’t be that different to Gen 1. It;s going to clock higher certainly but is that as high enough to take the crown from Intel. No is the answer. It’ll be good but it won’t be the best.
So I’ve had to rebuild, the AMD has gone and in it’s place there is now a shiny Intel Core i7 8700K and the reinstall has been finished and I’m just awaiting opportunity to have a really good extended gaming session on it to get it bedded in!
I didn’t get many pictures from the rebuild but I am thoroughly happy to be back on team Blue!